3 common (and fixable!) video-marketing mistakes that are hurting your instastories and reels 

Instagram video marketing tactics to boost engagement

As reels and instastories have been taking the spotlight, Instagram video marketing has exploded in popularity. Thanks to the boom of love for this type of content, thousands of creators are looking to reach new followers and increase their engagement rate by leveraging short videos. Now rolled out to everyone, reels and instastories give us an easier way to share daily-life moments, more authentic recommendations, and tips in an easy-to-consume format. Let us tell you – it can easily become your gold mine. So yes, it’s happening! The Gram is highly capitalizing on video content. The importance of video content should really make you look closer at how you could use video features to drive some traffic to your profile.

On the other hand, we know from our conversations with you that video marketing can be the source of stress, pressure, and consternation. And it seems that many aspiring influencers and business owners make some of the same common mistakes. So this blog post will hopefully clear up some confusion!


If we can teach you something today, it’s how to create videos that will intrigue your audience – so you don’t waste your time and energy. These are things that we wish somebody had told us in the past! 

Instagram Guide how to grow on instagram 2021

Should you invest time in reels and Instagram stories?

One more insight, just to make sure you’re already convinced.

Let’s talk about psychology for a sec! As humans, we’re constantly seeking a feeling of belonging, which is the reason why Instagram tribes and engaged communities are growing. Videos give you an opportunity to introduce yourself and show your real face – so it’s the most strategic way to humanize your profile. 

READ:   6 content creation mistakes to avoid in 2023

Video isn’t necessarily EXTREMELY more important than other post formats, but it helps A LOT. Why? It has the power to catch people’s attention and make them stop scrolling if they see something moving and intriguing.

How to make video format work for you? Let’s go over 4 common Instagram video marketing mistakes that, while serious, can be easily fixed!


1 / Content overload

As this old saying goes: less is more. Sometimes, less content means more results.

While content production and the whole preparation process are crucial, you also need to think about how your video posts, reels, and instastories are going to be consumed!

Why? Simply put, Instagram users’ habits have changed. A lot. We have grown busier and less patient.

Instead of worrying about how many reels or Instagram stories you’re going to create, you can invite your followers to join the production process as well! Because the real key goal for you as a creator is to make sure your audience is engaged and not bored. 

That’s why it’s all about consistency, not frequency. 

If you follow many different creators, you can notice that so many of them aren’t that consistent with their Instagram profiles. Yeah, sure, it was easy, everyone would do it. But actually, we don’t mean just posting new content, new reels, and new instastories, but also being someone, your audience can count on. Do you publish valuable content when you say you will? The truth is, people are constantly looking for experts they can trust.


2 / You don’t feel confident and energized in front of the camera – and it shows!

Your confidence and energy are what allows your followers to connect with you.

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Even if the content is really good, more than good enough, there’s a risk that your followers will feel like they can’t connect with what you’re saying – connect enough to be willing to follow through. Being confident about sharing your ideas, showing off your content, explaining your insights will be what really makes a difference: yes, especially for Instagram stories!

Most followers tend to be a bit passive. They need more energy, more nudges, and they need to be reminded to engage with what you’re saying, and see how that applies to them and check if they can relate. 

3 / Too generic ideas for content 

Creativity is the cornerstone of Instagram video marketing. 

Creating more engaging (= more inspiring) content can deliver so much to your followers that they will become the true advocates of your Instagram presence. 

What we encourage you to do is take some time to play to fully understand how different ideas could be working out for you. There is no way around it: social media takes time. There are no shortcuts. And there’s no room for copying other creators’ solutions: you just need to check out what’s best FOR YOU. 


Final thoughts!

The video format is here to stay. Well – let this information be your motivation to reinvent your Instagram video marketing for success! Always keep in mind that the goal is to be a reliable, inspiring, relatable profile that your target audience wants to follow, engage and keep up with, right?


Don’t be overwhelmed by this article! Sometimes it’s just really beneficial to double-check if you’ve perhaps fallen prey to any of these. If so, fix them and enjoy many rewards. That’s it. Over time and with the ever-changing tendencies, we have learned a lot, and we find great excitement in sharing it with you!

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As usual, we would love to hear from you. What do you use short video forms for, and how do you feel about reels and Instagram stories? Are they working for you? 


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