7 Growth Hacks: How to Promote Your Airbnb Listings on Instagram

screenshot with big text: how to promote your airbnb rental business on instagram

Airbnb marketing and my favorite social platform – Instagram – go together like buffalo mozzarella and tomato sauce.

Why is marketing your Airbnbn on Instagram so effective? You’re building relationships where the distribution is.

Honestly, I’d hate for you to miss out on the opportunities to seriously impact your Airbnb business and grow your online presence – all because of a few unanswered questions about Instagram. I know you may have some skeptical feelings, like:

“Alright, but I don’t have thousands of followers! That would NEVER happen to my business.”

“Oh, that’s super cool but I work 100h weeks and haven’t showered in like, five days – I don’t have any time to grow an Instagram account”

I feel you. We’ve all been there (whether we admit it or not).

But listen, here’s the thing. We’ll never have time to create the marketing strategy we want unless we prioritize it. And turning your Instagram account into a successful part of your sales funnel definitely should be your priority right now. Focusing on your Instagram account should be your TOP priority. It’s literally the key to boosting your sales.

Let your visuals shine.

Everyone sells. Even on Instagram, we’re all always selling something. Selling fuels growth. And when you add terrific visual content to the process, not only do you improve communication with your potential clients, you also make a lasting impression. So take advantage of the power of polished visuals and create content that will inspire both your current audience and all the potential followers.

Before posting, resize photos without losing image quality. To avoid this effect, don’t enlarge your photos without adjusting the pixels to compensate. Let’s say you have a 4×5 inch photo that is 600 pixels per inch (orrr 2400×3000 pixels), you still can enlarge this photo to 8×10, but reduce the pixels per inch to 300 (keep in mind that pixels are still 2400×3000) and lose no quality – win-win!

READ:   5 tips to reduce misspellings and make your captions easy to read

Confine your color palette. This may seem to be a little restricting to some of you, but one of the simplest methods to make your feed look more consistent is to limit the colors you add to them. Additionally, this is quite effective in keeping a consistent theme!

Specifically, you should use up to five colors in your posts. Remember that you don’t have to use them all the time. Having at least two tones is more than enough to keep your style consistent. It may look excessively demanding and challenging at first, notably if a certain scene lacks any colors from your palette. If this seems to be too much for you, select one color that will be prominent in every single photo.

Don’t be afraid to post many different shots and some BHS (behind the scenes). Taking your followers behind the scenes of your Airbnb business can… Grow your business! The Behind The Scenes method (or ‘concept,’ as we call it) is a very powerful material that can be developed relatively fast, and when used often, it adds a distinct and additional human aspect to your Airbnb marketing. Presenting your business with a person with true ambitions, ideas, and objectives, as well as your motives for waking up every day, makes you far more relatable.

screenshot with examples of how to market airbnb on instagram

Where is your Airbnb located? You need to include this information everywhere you can

Communicate your precise location right away. Everywhere you can.

Don’t leave people guessing. Don’t make them research your Airbnb. They should be able to instantly tell where it is located, right after finding your Instagram profile.

It can significantly boost your long-term performance and your discoverability. Try to include your location in:

  1. Your BIO
  2. Your captions
  3. Your hashtags

examples of how to do airbnb marketing on instagram

CTAs are really powerful – make them your superpower!

Simply said, CTAs are where you fulfill your social media objectives! You may have fantastic content that connects with your target audience, but they must know what to do with it. 

READ:   Instagram hashtags not working? Here are the 3 most common reasons!

Protip: CTAs are extremely powerful, but remember that one CTA is always better than six. Reducing the number of CTAs from a few to one in each caption will make it much more straightforward.

Optimize your BIO

When it comes to converting ‘Gram users checking out your profile into loyal followers, the bio is one of the most critical elements. So how to take full advantage of it?

  • Have the “value” for your audience in the first line: “your most cozy Airbnb in Paris.”
  • Don’t forget to communicate your location
  • Highlight your superpowers

Protip: Did you know you can A/B test your Instagram bio? That’s a brilliant practice as well.

examples of best Airbnb marketing strategies on instagram

Analyze your Instagram audience

The goal of the Instagram analysis is to give your business actionable insights from large amounts of reliable data. Insights help you recognize problems and let you understand how your content performs. Keep in mind that reliable data is equal to the most valuable knowledge. The more info and insights you have at your fingertips, the better Instagram situation you will be in to make content strategy choices and take advantage of rising opportunities on the market.

Useful Instagram data will also arm you with the reasoning and vital facts that you need to back up your content decisions so that you can feel more comfortable with.

Let me tell you – getting an innovative Instagram analytics tool will save your precious time. Too many resources – time and energy – are being spent going back and forth to collect the same insights. A smart tool can capture and collect data in a manner that is easy for you to access afterward and navigate. My choice is always IQ Hashtags – the most advanced and complex Instagram tool out there, I suppose. 

Note: this is not a paid ad. I just like this tool, I know the IT team who stands behind it, and like to support the Instagram marketing tools makers 🙂

example of how to use analytics tool to grow your airbnb business on instagram

how to analyze your airbnb marketing on instagram

Double down what works

What I mean by that is: TRACK YOUR GROWTH and analyze what’s working best. 

READ:   3 solid reasons to write more extended Instagram captions (+2 tips to make them even better)

When you do not use analytics and data to discover knowledge that will direct your Instagram profile into growth, you will become a profile of the past. All the advancements in Instagram data analysis and its visualization make it highly possible for your Airbnbn business to expand more than everrrrr before since there are lots of resources available to do so.

  • Analyze what posts are ranking the highest.
  • Monitor which hashtags are giving you a position in TOP9.
  • Note down what strategy works best for your account.

Post new content right before the peak of your followers’ activity

Plenty of people are sharing all kinds of advice on when you should post. Some of them tell you that you should do it on Friday at 1pm. Others tell you that you should definitely avoid posting at 1pm and rather opt to post between 8-9am instead.

Then there is this group that swears you’ll get the highest engagement if only you post at MIDNIGHT.

I know. Completely overwhelming, right? The thing nobody told you about, there’s no one-size-fits-all advice. Because the best time to post new comments on Instagram is – surprise surprise – highly individual. It depends on your audience, on your business, and on your lifestyle, which is of course always case by case.

As you can easily predict – to find the most beneficial posting time takes research. The answer will be different for EVERY account.

The best solution? I try to save my time by using the IQ Hashtags feature called ‘Followers Activity’. It gives me all the insights I need to know.

Protip: If you notice that most of your people are online between 5 and 6pm, you can plan your posts to appear at 4:30, 5 or 5:30. 

The final word

Thanks for reading this guide! If it brought you genuine joy, warmed your ambitious heart, or taught you something (or – I HOPE! – did all three), please pay it forward by sharing this guide with your coworkers or friends.

example of how to grow your business on instagram