#1 Instagram Audit – What is it and why you need it?

#1 Instagram Audit Display Purposes


Welcome to the first article in the #InstagramAudit series!


We have prepared a set of articles in which we will tell you how to make a good profile audit and how to easily improve your account strategy.



Today you will learn:


  • What is an Instagram audit?
  • Why you need it?



An Instagram audit is designed to identify the weaknesses and strengths of your profile.


Thanks to correctly conducted analysis you can verify your strategy and check which elements make sense and generate results, while other are a waste of time and energy.



Instagram Audit – What is it?


#1 Instagram Audit 2 Display Purposesv


Account audit on Instagram is a regular analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the profile.


By regularly auditing your Instagram account, you check:


  • which activities are delivering the intended results,
  • what else you need to improve so that your profile achieves better results and attracts more new fans.



Instagram Audit – Where to start?


#1 Instagram Audit 3 Display Purposes


What elements should be audited?


An Instagram audit is most typically ran in two situations. 


First one when owner of the account wants to identify the weaknesses and characteristics of his own profile.


The second type of audits being run on behalf of a brand once deciding who to work with as and ambassador or advertising partner. 


Depending on which side you represent, the Instagram account audit and its purpose will look slightly different.


But both types of audits also have common goals.

READ:   What’s the Best Time to Post on Instagram in 2023? [SOLVED]


Running an audit can help you to understand:


  • Followers profile,
  • Followers engagement,
  • Check which activities do not work on the profile,
  • Check which activities work well on the profile,
  • Improve profile results and reach more people interested in the subject of the account.


In the next article, you’ll learn how to develop a strategy for your Instagram profile to facilitate future audits and improve your results.


Read the next article: Instagram hashtags not working? Here are the 3 most common reasons!